Resolute Promise
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Our Mission:

Bringing home those who gave the last full measure of devotion


Our Services

The services we provide go to the heart of our mission. We operate on several different levels to identify, document, recover and educate all aspects of MIA Recovery Operations. Click on the link below to learn more about the specific service you are interested in.


Forensic Anthropology



Audio/Video Documentaries


Recovery Operations


Support Opportunities

Our mission is “Bringing home those who gave their last full measure of devotion.” We believe that our mission is more than just a goal, it's a promise of service. It's a call to action that demands our best efforts, our deepest convictions, and our highest aspirations. It's a challenge that requires us to think creatively, act boldly, and collaborate generously. And it's an opportunity that invites us to be part of something greater than ourselves, to be part of the promise to leave no one behind.

We invite you to join us in this mission. We believe that every person has something valuable to contribute, whether it's their time, their talent, or their resources. By joining us in service, you'll have the opportunity to ensure the promise to our fallen soldiers is kept, to complete their stories, to bring closure to their families, and to create a legacy that will endure for generations to come.


Sign Up For a Project

Do you have a specific skill set that can be of use on a specific project? Are you located near a project? Sign up!

Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved and help with our Mission and Projects. Click here to learn more:

Support Our Mission

Provide your support through monetary means. Our partner, The Good Works Kitchen, provides a tax-advantaged means of support.


Our Sponsors

Our existence is made possible in part due to our generous partners. Thank you for your support and for going on this journey to complete our mission.


“Pocket Prep is proud to support Resolute Promise to further its commitment to project-based learning and the ultimate goal of bringing home our fallen troops.”
~ Peter Murphy, CEO

The Good Works Kitchen logo

GWK is proud to sponsor such an amazing organization and the efforts put forth by the Resolute Promise team."

~ Jill Scheidel, CEO