Resolute Promise
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Resolute Promise


William Belcher at Marine Corps Memorial in Enumclaw

Dr. William Belcher, Resolute Promise’s lead Forensic Anthropologist, reflects at the Marine Corps Memorial honoring the 32 lost service members who remain on the mountain.

THE History

In December 1946 a Curtis Commando C46 crashed into the South Tahoma Glacier on Mount Rainier killing all on board.  The 32 Marines lost in this tragic event continue to be mourned and memorialized. 

The South Tahoma Glacier is one of the most dynamic glaciers in North America.  Moving and melting at a most un-glacial rate of speed.  Due to this rapidly changing environment much of the wreckage has shifted from the glacier into Tahoma Creek. 

The Mission

August 2023 Resolute Promise will conduct a survey of the newly disbursed wreckage in the drainage of the South Tahoma Glacier. 

With the melting of the glacier into Tahoma Creek significant debris has moved downstream, mapping and understanding this movement is important to a number of scientific disciplines but, none more so than the most important group, to the family members of those lost in the tragic crash. This survey will be the beginning of Resolute Promise’s effort to return these lost service members, tell their stories, and bring a final resolution to their lives.

Marine Corps memorial at Enumclaw, WA.

Marine Corp Memorial

Stronger United

If you lost a family member on that tragic day, please reach out to Resolute Promise. We would like to speak with you about the mission, learn about these service men’s stories, and create a path for providing communication about our progress.





Defense POW/MIA Accounting Command has a DNA reference sample on hand should they ever recover your loved one.  There are resources and instructions here.

DPAA has frequent regional family updates that you may also attend for one on one in person communications about your family’s case.

The National Archives

The National Archives has many service records some of which are available online or you may submit a request to the archives themselves.   There are also researchers in the neighboring areas of the archives who are willing to search for and document your requested records for a fee. has collected and digitized large swaths of documents and made them available to its members.


If you have questions or need assistance we at Resolute Promise are happy to be of service.  Contact us!